Figure 1.
IL-11R stalk is essential for classic signaling. A, cell surface expression of IL-11R variants on Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11R, Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11RΔE323_L372, and Ba/F3-gp130 cells was assessed by flow cytometry. B, equal amounts of Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11R, Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11RΔE323_L372, and Ba/F3-gp130 cells were stimulated with increasing amounts (0–100 ng/ml) of either IL-11 or Hy–IL-6 for 48 h. Concentration-dependent proliferation was determined as described in “Experimental Procedures.” Error bars represent S.D. of triplicates from one representative experiment. C, STAT3 phosphorylation of Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11R, Ba/F3–gp130–IL-11RΔE323_L372, and Ba/F3-gp130 cells in response to 10 ng/ml IL-11 or 10 ng/ml Hy–IL-6 stimulation for 15 min was determined by Western blotting. Total STAT3 was determined to ensure equal protein loading.