Pvlea-18 transcript and protein accumulation
patterns in different hypocotyl regions from seedlings grown under
well-irrigated and water-stress conditions. E1 and E2,
Hypocotyl-growing regions; M, nongrowing or mature zone; R, root. a,
Northern-blot analysis of the Pvlea-18 transcript.
Five-day-old bean seedlings grown in the dark were transferred to
well-irrigated (C) or water-deficient (WD) vermiculite and harvested
after 24 h of treatment. Five micrograms of total RNA was purified
from the indicated seedling regions, blotted onto nylon membranes, and
hybridized against the indicated probes. Hybridization against a
28S-rRNA probe was used as an RNA-loading control. b, PvLEA-18 protein
accumulation pattern obtained by western analysis of total protein
extracts purified from the same samples described in a. The molecular
mass of PvLEA-18 is indicated on the right in kilodaltons. Proteins
were separated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to nitrocellulose membranes
before incubation with the immunopurified anti-PvLEA-18 antiserum. c,
Northern-blot analysis of the PvleaIV-25 transcript by
blotting total RNA obtained from the samples described in a. Five
micrograms of total RNA was blotted onto nylon membranes and hybridized
against the indicated probes. Hybridization against an 28S-rRNA probe
was used as an RNA-loading control.