Figure 9.
Immunohistochemical detection of PvLEA-18 protein in root tissues from well-watered and water-stressed seedlings. Tissues were dissected and soaked in paraffin as described in Figure 7. a, Section from a radicle obtained from germinating seedlings grown under well-irrigated conditions. Seeds were germinated in the dark and harvested 36 h after imbibition. b, Section from a root obtained from well-irrigated 6-d-old seedlings. Root sections were obtained from the same seedlings transplanted to well-irrigated vermiculite described in Figure 7. c, Section from a root obtained from water-stressed 6-d-old seedlings. Root sections were obtained from the same seedlings transplanted to water-limited vermiculite described in Figure 7. d, Longitudinal section of a lateral root from a water-stressed seedling. e, Longitudinal section of a lateral root from a water-stressed seedling corresponding to the section described in d incubated with preimmune antiserum. f, Detail of the secondary root tip corresponding to a ×2 magnification of d. Arrows indicate protoxylem cells and arrowheads indicate nuclei. c, Cortex; e, epidermis; lr, lateral root; n, nucleus; p, pith; rc, root cap; rm, root meristem; vc, vascular cylinder.