Wheel running exercise or saccharin consumption during abstinence decreased subsequent estrus-induced increases in cue-induced reinstatement responding (estrus: exercise, n=6; saccharin, n=7; control, n=6; non-estrus, exercise, n=9; saccharin, n=11; control, n=13). Mean number of responses (±SEM) during the last extinction session as compared to the reinstatement session for females testing during estrus (A) versus non-estrus phases (B) in each of the three intervention groups. Difference from control responses (±SEM) during the reinstatement sessions averaged across groups (C) and for each of the females tested (D) during estrus versus non-estrus phases in the exercise and saccharin groups. Number signs (#) indicate a significant increase from the last extinction session (A and B). Dashed lines with an arrow and an asterisk (A and B) indicate a significant difference between levels of reinstatement responding in control females tested during estrus versus non-estrus phases (p<0.05). A dashed line with an asterisk (A and C) indicates a significant decrease from control (p<0.05).