Fig. 6.
SDE1 does not inhibit Solanaceous RCR3 activity. a SDE1 did not elicit cell death in tomato (Moneymaker, Solanum lycopersicum) leaves expressing the immune receptor Cf-2. Purified recombinant proteins FLAG-Avr2-6XHIS or FLAG-6XHIS-SDE1 were infiltrated in tomato leaves in three different concentrations: 1 μg, 100 ng, and 10 ng. Avr2 inhibits the protease activity of RCR3pim (RCR3 from Solanum pimpinellifolium, which is required for Avr2-triggered cell death in tomato plants expressing Cf-2 produced by S. pimpinellifolium (left). Cf-0 (right) and Cf-2 rcr3 (middle, containing a rcr3 mutant with a premature stop codon) tomatoes were used as negative controls. Picture was taken after 7 dpi. b SDE1 does not inhibit the activity of RCR3pim. Full length of RCR3pim-HIS was transiently expressed in N. benthamiana and secreted into the apoplast. Apoplastic fluid was extracted and the active protease was labeled via ABPP in the presence of 0.8, 1.6 or 3.2 μM of purified SDE1 protein. Coomassie brilliant blue (CBB) served as a loading control