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. 2017 Oct 19;187(5):1113–1122. doi: 10.1093/aje/kwx344

Table 5.

Estimated Ratios of Odds Ratios and Between–Meta-Analysis Heterogeneity in Mean Bias Associated With Risk-of-Bias Judgements in Randomized Trials and Meta-Analyses, by Type of Outcome Measure (Multivariable Analyses (Model B)), in the ROBES Studya

Risk-of-Bias Domain and Outcome No. of MAs or RTs Contributing to Analysis Average Bias No. of MAs Contributing to κ Estimation Within-MA Heterogeneity Between-MA Heterogeneity
MAs RTs ROR 95% CrI κ 95% CrI φ 95% CrI
Sequence generation: high/unclear risk of bias vs. low risk of bias
 All outcomes 189 2,158 0.95 0.88, 1.03 142 0.08 0.02, 0.18 0.11 0.03, 0.22
 Mortality 34 363 0.92 0.75, 1.18 27 0.14 0.02, 0.36 0.14 0.03, 0.42
 Other objective/semiobjective outcome 47 523 1.06 0.90, 1.28 38 0.14 0.03, 0.33 0.20 0.04, 0.44
 Subjective outcome/mixtureb 108 1,272 0.94 0.84, 1.04 77 0.08 0.02, 0.18 0.11 0.02, 0.24
Allocation concealment: high/unclear risk of bias vs. low risk of bias
 All outcomes 188 2,121 0.96 0.88, 1.03 139 0.06 0.01, 0.15 0.07 0.02, 0.16
 Mortality 35 358 0.92 0.74, 1.13 27 0.11 0.03, 0.29 0.15 0.03, 0.42
 Other objective/semiobjective outcome 49 524 0.94 0.81, 1.08 40 0.07 0.01, 0.18 0.09 0.02, 0.25
 Subjective outcome/mixture 104 1,239 0.95 0.86, 1.07 72 0.10 0.02, 0.23 0.08 0.02, 0.20
Blinding: high/unclear risk of bias vs. low risk of bias
 All outcomes 144 1,678 0.88 0.81, 0.94 105 0.10 0.02, 0.22 0.12 0.03, 0.23
 Mortality 31 327 0.87 0.73, 1.03 25 0.10 0.02, 0.26 0.10 0.02, 0.28
 Other objective/semiobjective outcome 32 334 0.95 0.79, 1.12 24 0.09 0.02, 0.24 0.10 0.02, 0.34
 Subjective outcome/mixture 81 1,017 0.84 0.75, 0.95 56 0.17 0.04, 0.33 0.19 0.05, 0.35
Incomplete outcome data: high/unclear risk of bias vs. low risk of bias
 All outcomes 167 1,956 1.01 0.94, 1.09 112 0.07 0.01, 0.16 0.07 0.02, 0.16
 Mortality 29 303 0.99 0.82, 1.18 19 0.11 0.02, 0.31 0.10 0.02, 0.30
 Other objective/semiobjective outcome 43 471 1.04 0.90, 1.21 28 0.11 0.02, 0.30 0.09 0.02, 0.26
 Subjective outcome/mixture 95 1,182 1.00 0.90, 1.12 65 0.07 0.01, 0.17 0.11 0.03, 0.27

Abbreviations: CrI, credible interval; MA, meta-analysis; ROBES, Risk of Bias in Evidence Synthesis; ROR, ratio of odds ratios; RT, randomized trial.

a For a graphical representation of these results, see Web Figure 4.

b “Mixture” refers to meta-analyses in which some trials had subjective measures and some had objective measures of the same outcome (e.g., self-reports and laboratory measures of smoking cessation).