(A) Schematic of biphasic FEM simulating in vitro ploughing experiments. Static normal compressive load (Fcompression) on the indenter was kept constant for a designated time (top right), and then, the indenter was oscillated along the disc’s mediolateral axis (bottom right). The sandpaper annulus that prevented disc translation in vitro3 was simulated in the model by fixing the far left 1 mm of the disc’s bottom surface while the remainder was allowed to slide horizontally. (B) Vertical displacement of the indenter during the initial compression period (t<t0; A top right). Note that the stress relaxation period after initial compression was neglected to be consistent with the corresponding experimental setting (t0=t1; A bottom right).3,12,13 (C) Model prediction of total normal stress during a full cycle of indenter oscillation at linearly aligned pressure gauges (PG) 4–6 separated by 3 mm. PG5 was under the disc centre