Female facial intermediate hair follicles express more androgen receptor genes than do matched terminal follicles. Androgen receptor and control β-actin gene expression were identified in cDNA that was extracted from intermediate (90 follicles/subject) and terminal hair follicles (60/subject) from 5 women age 60 ± 3 yr by RT-PCR. A) Typical gels of RT-PCR results from 1 individual show control β-actin expression (left) and androgen receptor (right) expression. B) Quantitative RT-PCR analyses confirmed that intermediate hair follicles expressed approximately 4 times more androgen receptor (means ± sem) than did terminal follicles when related to β-actin expression. HI, intermediate hair follicles; HT, terminal hair follicles; Intermediate, intermediate hair follicles; Lad, standards ladder; RP, rat prostate; Terminal, terminal hair follicles; -ve, negative control. *P < 0.05.