Figure 3.
Dual-modality imaging after injection of 111In-DOTA-girentuximab-IRDye800CW (patient #11). (A) Preoperative SPECT/CT imaging confirmed the presence of a CAIX-expressing ccRCC and revealed that this tumor extended deep into this patients' monokidney. (B) Intraoperative NIRF showed hyperfluorescence of the tumor. (C) Assessment of the resected tumor specimen with NIRF suggested tumor in the surgical margin (square), which was subsequently confirmed by histopathology. (D) NIRF demonstrated that further resection contained vital tumor, again confirmed by histopathology. (E) NIRF was used to assess the presence of tumor (square) in additional resected tissue fragments. Histopathology confirmed that the fragment consisted mainly of fibrotic tissue, but also a tumor fragment of 2 mm. Scale bars are an approximation.