Table 3. Transplant-related features: differences between two groups one month after transplantation.
Number of patients (% of whole cohort) | 25 (50,0) | 25 (50,0) | NS |
Pancreatic dysfunction, number (%): | |||
- exocrine | 2 (4,0) | 24 (48,0) | <0,0001 |
- endocrine | 0 | 0 | - |
Liver injury, total number (%): | 11 (22,0) | 11 (22,0) | NS |
- SOS, number (%) | 3 (6,0) | 1 (2,0) | NS |
- GVHD, number (%) + | 5 (10,0) | 2 (4,0) | NS |
- infections, number (%) | 3 (6,0) | 4 (8,0) | NS |
- drug toxicity, number (%) | 2 (4,0) | 5 (10,0) | NS |
eGFR, ml/min/1,73m2, mean (± SD) | 188,4 (72,7) | 139,5 (54,5) | <0,05 |
PRBC units received, mean (± SD)# | 4,4 (2,1) | 3,5 (1,8) | NS |
MTIC, grade, mean (± SD) | 1,9 (0,8) | 2,2 (0,8) | NS |
MTIC, μmol/g, mean (± SD): | 138,4 (63,0) | 177,7 (76,3) | NS |
- Liver iron concentration, mean (± SD) | 153,2 (80,5) | 182,2 (93,6) | NS |
- Pancreas iron concentration, mean (± SD) | 28,4 (37,9) | 107,8 (100,3) | <0,0001 |
- Spleen iron concentration, mean (± SD) | 177,4 (104,3) | 201,0 (103,1) | NS |
- Bone iron concentration, mean (± SD) | 191,0 (69,5) | 219,6 (50,4) | NS |
Deferoxamine treatment, total number (%) | 11 (44) | 11 (44) | NS |
Mean pancreatic volume reduction, (%)α | 0,6 | 39,1 | <0,0001 |
MCHT, myeloablative chemotherapy; TBI, total body irradiation; SD, standard deviation; VOD, sinusoidal obstruction syndrome; GVHD, graft versus host disease; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; PRBC unit, packed red blood cell unit; MTIC, mean tissue iron concentration.
NS: not significant (p>0.05).
+Only hepatic GVHD ≥ grade 2, according to clinical criteria.
#Only transfusion received during the stay at the Transplant Unit.
αPercentage difference between baseline mean pancreatic volume and mean post-transplant pancreatic volume.
*P-value from analysis of Mann Whitney test, Fisher's test or chi-square when appropriated.