Figure 6. Quantification and characterization of microglial cells in the brain tissue of TgAPP and TgAPP/PLTP–/– mice.
Tissue sections from 6 months old TgAPP (n = 5) and TgAPP/PLTP–/– mice (n = 5) were stained with anti-Iba-1 antibodies to detect microglial cells, and observed by fluorescence microscopy. For each animal, Iba-1-positive cells were counted in 3 fields of the hippocampus (1 in the dentate gyrus, 1 in CA1, 1 in CA3) (A) and in 1 field of the parietal cortex (C) from 4 different sections. Two distinctive microglial phenoytpes were manually discriminated in the hippocampus (B) and parietal cortex (D) of TgAPP and TgAPP/PLTP–/– mice as described in the ‘Materials and Methods’ section, and the percentage of activated microglial cells was calculated. A representative Iba-1 staining in the dentate gyrus area of TgAPP and TgAPP/PLTP-/- brains is shown in (E), with arrows pointing to the activated microglial cells. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.005 vs TgAPP mice (Student’s t test).