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. 1999 Jun;120(2):579–586. doi: 10.1104/pp.120.2.579

Table II.

Comparison of the substrate specificity of SAM-dependent N-methyltransferases from various plant sources

Plant Substrate/Methylation Positiona
7-mX/3N 3-mX/1N 1-mX/3N Tb/1N Tp/7N Px/3N X/3N XR/7N XMP/7N
 Leaves (purified) 100 17.6 4.2 26.8 tr 210 tr nd nd This study
 Leaves (partially purified) 100 14.0 20.0 21.4 nd 206 10.3 Kato et al. (1996)
 Leaves (crude) 100 tr 4.5 25 2.5 250 nd nd nd Suzuki and Takahashi (1975)
 Leaves (crude) 100 20 16 56 nd Negishi et al. (1985)
Cocoa tea
 Leaves (crude) 100 nd nd Ashihara et al. (1998)
 Endosperm (partially   purified) 100 185 Mazzafera et al. (1994)
 Fruits (crude) 100 5.7 127 4.6 175 nd nd Roberts and Waller (1979)
 Leaves (crude)b 100 104 Schulthess et al. (1996)

The relative activity is indicated as the percentage of the activity with 7-mX. CS activity with 7-mX (100%) in this work was 2.7 nkat mg−1 protein. nd, Not detected; tr, trace; –, not determined.


mX, Methylxanthine; Tb, theobromine; Tp, theophylline; Px, paraxanthine; X, xanthine; XR, xanthosine. 


Km value of coffee leaf enzyme for 7-mX (0.4 mm) is lower than that for Tb (0.5 mm) (Mosli Waldhauser, 1997a).