Fig. 8.
TANOVA and microstate segmentation analysis for Experiment 3. (A) Grand average ERPs represent the average of posterior electrodes PO7 & PO8, with light grey areas showing periods of stable topographic differences determined by TANOVA. (B) Onset and offsets of the stable topographic microstates between 200 and 600 ms and Global Field Power waveforms for each condition. Global Field Power waveforms, a measure of differences in the scalp electric field strength, are displayed for a visual comparison to topographic microstates which are independent of field strength. The higher GFP the more stable EEG topography and the higher global excitation. Each map is represented by a different colour. (C) Topographic microstates derived from the segmentation procedure for four maps which best fit the individual subject data between 200 and 600 ms. Topographic maps show the head from above with nasion plotted upward.