Figure 1.
Ultralight radiation diary app. A) Log-in screen for participants to enter their unique study identifier. B) Home screen. In the home screen, participants select the date to enter their sun exposure and sun protection used for that day. The app will not let participants enter their data for the days ahead. They can only enter data for the current day or previous days. C) The participant enters which parts of the body were unprotected and exposed to the sun. In this image, the participant has specified that the head was exposed for 1 hour. D) Once a body site is selected, the next screen asks participants how many minutes they were exposed to the sun for each timeblock: 4am- 8am, 8am-4pm, and 4pm-8pm. E) The participant selects “yes” or “no”, depending on whether they stayed in the sun to get a tan and whether they wore sunscreen for the day. If a participant selects “yes” to the sunscreen question, the panel F screen appears, which details the sunscreen sun protection factor (SPF), number of times applied, time of day applied, and area of application to the body, for each application. F) This screen illustrates a participant that applied SPF 50+ sunscreen once at 8am to their face and ears. Users can scroll down to select different parts of the body where sunscreen was applied. G) The participant selects “yes” or “no”, depending on whether they were sunburnt that day. H) The participant selects “yes” or “no”, depending on whether they excercised that day, recording the duration and level of activity as mild, moderate, or vigorous.