Indigenous gut bacteria of D. melanogaster increase CP toxicity. (A) Survival curves for newly eclosed conventionally reared, antibiotic-treated, and germfree flies that were exposed to a lethal concentration of CP (10 μM). Data are displayed from at least 3 independent experiments (consisting of 25 individuals each experiment). Statistical analyses shown are from log rank (Mantel-Cox) tests. (B) First-instar conventionally reared, antibiotic-treated, and germfree larvae were seeded on medium containing 1 μM CP (sublethal), and the percentages of larvae that subsequently eclosed were measured. Data are means ± standard deviations (two-way ANOVA) of results from 5 independent experiments (each dot represents 10 larvae). 10CP, 10 μM CP; *, P < 0.05; ****, P < 0.0001.