Precue and cue-elicited craving at the 2 retrieval-extinction (R-E) or nonsmoking-related retrieval–extinction (NR-E) training sessions and 3 follow-up test sessions (A), the mean number of cigarettes smoked per day and carbon monoxide (CO) level at 2-week and 1-month follow-up sessions (“Pre-Tx” indicates the mean number of pretreatment cigarettes smoked per day over the 2 weeks prior to study engagement) (B), and the mean number of cigarettes smoked per day before treatment and on the 14 days prior to the 2-week test session (follow-up days 1–14) and the 1-month test session (follow-up days 15–28) (C). Error bars indicate SE. “Precues” indicate craving prior to any cue presentation; “Retrieval cue” indicates craving in response to the smoking-related (R-E group) or neutral-related (NR-E group) retrieval video; and “Ext 1, 2, 3, and 4” indicate each of the four 15-minute extinction sequences.