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. 2018 May 2;18:566. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-5389-6

Table 2.

Antenatal vaccination attitudes, intentions, social influences and risk considerations

Overall % (N) Primips Multips P value Post-secondary qualifs Other P value Not at all hesitant Others P value Very or somewhat hesitant Others P value
Vaccination attitudes, intentions & pre-natal actions
Qn1 Strongly support childhood vaccination 80.0% (230) 76.0% (79) 81.8% (148) 0.304 81.3% (143) 80.0% (32) 0.826 93.5% (139) 58.1% (74) < 0.0001 15.4% (13) 83.9% (211) < 0.0001
Qn26 Want baby to get all recommended vaccines (Yes) 92.2% (204) 86.0% (57) 94.6% (147) 0.077 93.0% (158) 92.1% (38) 0.737 99.2% (133) 73.2% (82) < 0.0001 33.3% (12) 95.8% (190) < 0.0001
Qn27 Not at all hesitant 65.3% (225) 59.5% (79) 68.5% (146) 0.189 62.5% (184) 57.8% (45) 0.609
Qn27 Very/somewhat hesitant or unsure 5.8% (225) 16.5% (79) 5.5% (146) 0.014 12.0% (184) 15.6% (45) 0.616
Qn 31 Want baby to have all recommended vaccines and have no concerns 42.5% (226) 41.8% (79) 42.9% (147) 0.681 38.7% (186) 43.2% (44) 0.610 60.5% (147) 9.2% (76) < 0.0001 0.0% (12) 45.5% (211) 0.001
Qn 36 Plan to have flu vaccine (Yes) 48.5% (231) 50.0% (86) 47.4% (152) 0.787 51.4% (185) 36.4% (44) 0.093 55.9% (145) 35.6% (90) 0.003 15.4% (13) 51.7% (209) 0.019
Qn 37 Plan to have pertussis vaccine (Yes) 87.5% (231) 90.7% (86) 88.2% (152) 0.667 90.3% (185) 86.4% (44) 0.421 89.38% (147) 87.5% (88) 0.669 75.0% (12) 90.1% (211) 0.126
Qn24 Ever delayed vaccine for reasons not illness or allergy? (% yes, multips only) 7.5% (147) 7.8% (116) 7.7% (26) 0.588 2.1% (97) 16.3% (43) 0.0008 60.0% (5) 4.5% (134) 0.002
Qn25 Ever decided not to vaccinate child for reasons other than illness or allergy? (% yes, multips only) 3.5% (144) 4.3% (116) 0.0% (24) > 0.999 1.0% (98) 8.9% (45) 0.0341 66.7% (6) 0.7% (135) < 0.0001
Social influences
Qn4 Strongly agree “Most people who are important to me think I should get my child vaccinated” 62.7% (220) 57.3% (75) 65.0% (143) 0.304 60.4% (169) 70.0% (40) 0.282 75.9% (141) 39.2% (74) < 0.0001 35.3% (17) 64.5% (211) 0.034
Qn5 Strongly agree “Most people who are important to me would have their child vaccinated” 63.0% (227) 61.5% (78) 63.7% (146) 0.773 60.7% (173) 71.4% (42) 0.217 75.2% (145) 42.1% (76) < 0.0001 30.8% (13) 65.9% (208) 0.016
Qn20 Strongly agree “Access to government family support payments is important in my decisions” 16.4% (226) 16.9% (77) 15.8% (146) 0.850 15.0% (173) 22.0% (41) 0.346 14.6% (144) 18.4% (76) 0.561 33.3% (18) 14.9% (215) 0.235
Qn29 All things considered, how much do you trust your child’s doctor? (From 0 = Do not trust at all to 10 = completely trust) Mean (95% CI) 8.8 (8.6–9.1) 8.7 (8.3–9.2) 8.7 (8.4–9.0) 0.990 8.8 (8.5–9.1) 8.5 (8.0–9.2) 0.369 9.4 (9.3–9.6) 7.7 (7.3–8.2) < 0.0001 5.4 (3.8–6.9) 9.0 (8.8–9.2) < 0.0001
Risk considerations
Q3 “Because other children are vaccinated it isn’t necessary to have my child vaccinated” –Strongly or moderately agree 9.9% (223) 7.9% (76) 9.0% (145) > 0.999 9.3% (172) 7.3% (41) > 0.999 8.3% (144) 9.5% (74) 0.803 16.7% (12) 8.3% (206) 0.281
Q19 “The benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks of vaccines” – Neither agree nor disagree 5.8% (224) 12.0% (75) 2.7% (146) 0.012 7.7% (181) 9.1% (44) 0.759 1.4% (141) 14.3% (77) 0.0003 30.8% (13) 4.4% (205) 0.0041
Q21 “How concerned are you that your child may have a serious side effect from a vaccine?” - Very or somewhat concerned 25.4% (228) 26.6% (79) 24.7 (146) 0.751 25.7% (175) 24.4% (41) > 0.999 8.3% (145) 55.8% (77) < 0.0001 76.9% (13) 21.5% (209) < 0.0001
Q22 “How concerned are you that any one of the childhood vaccines might not be safe?” - Very or somewhat concerned 23.6% (229) 30.4% (79) 19.7% (147) 0.099 244.0% (175) 23.8% (42) > 0.999 6.8% (146) 54.5% (77) < 0.0001 84.6% (13) 19.5% (210) < 0.0001
Q23 “How concerned are you that a vaccine might not prevent the disease” - Very or somewhat concerned 23.1% (226) 21.8% (78) 23.3% (146) 0.868 24.3% (173) 16.7% (42) 0.412 11.7% (145) 43.4% (76) < 0.0001 61.5% (13) 20.2% (208) 0.002
Q28 How sure are you that following the recommended vaccine schedule is a good idea for your child? (0 = not at all sure, 10 = completely sure) Mean (95% CI) 8.83 (8.54–9.12) 8.49 (7.89–9.09) 9.01 (8.70–9.33) 0.564 8.91 (8.59–9.24) 8.38 (7.58–9.18) 0.176 9.73 (9.62–9.84) 7.17 (6.47–7.86) < 0.0001 3.77 (2.02–5.52) 9.15 (8.91–9.39) < 0.0001
Q30 If children in Australia are not vaccinated, how likely do you think they are to get a disease that vaccines prevent? (0 = not at all likely, 10 = very likely) Mean (95% CI) 7.14 (6.81–7.47) 7.17 (6.57–7.79) 7.13 (6.74–7.52) 0.887 7.18 (6.83–7.53) 6.66 (5.68–7.63) 0.240 7.57 (7.19–7.95) 6.38 (5.77–6.99) 0.001 3.83 (2.18–5.49) 7.35 (7.02–7.67) < 0.0001

P value is for Fisher’s exact test for 2 × 2 contingency table. Figures shown are percentage and total number of respondents as % (N)

Primips=first-time mothers; Multips=experienced mothers