Meiotic entry is delayed in Ror2Y324C/Y324C ovaries. (A–D) Smaller ovaries and diminished germ cells in Ror2Y324C/Y324C; Oct4–GFP at E12.5 (A), E14.5 (B), and DAZL at E16.5 (C) and volume measurement (D, P=0.01, t-test). (E,F) Higher frequency of VASA+ OCT4+ germ cells in mutant ovaries (P=0.005, t-test). (G,H). Lower frequency of SYCP3+ germ cells in mutant ovaries (P=0.01, t-test). (I) H&E sections of E14.5 ovaries. Arrows indicate stages of meiotic prophase. (J,K) Quantification of I. n=6 at E14.5 (J) and n=3 at E18.5 (K). Data represented as mean±s.e.m. G/Gono, gonocytes; PL, pre-leptotene; L, leptotene; Z, zygotene; P, pachytene; lZ/eP, late-zygotene/early-pachytene; MP, mid-pachytene; IP/eD, intermediate-pachytene/early-diplotene; DiploN, naked-diplotene; DiploF, diplotene-forming follicle. Scale bars: 100 µm in A–C; 10 µm in E,G,I.