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. 2018 Mar 22;5:27. doi: 10.3389/fsurg.2018.00027

Table 1.

Details and outcomes of studies included in the mini review.

Study reference/origin Type-methodology Patient selection and Interventions Results Comments
Tokunaga M, 2010, Japan (11) Retrospective cohort, Single center (n = 178) “curative resection” PALN dissection Morb:30%, Mort: 2%, 5yOS:13%Macroscopic type and number of positive nodes independent risk factors PALN might be beneficial in patients with <15 + ve nodes or macro type other than Bormann 4
Maeta M, 1999, Japan (12) Prospective, pilot not randomized, single center (n = 70) T3–T4 tumors, normal nodes in CTD3 vs D4 D3 morb:26% D4 morb:40% SSFU ≤ 30 monthsOS NS D4 (no 16) dissection in pts with T3–T4 tumors and normal nodes in imaging did not improve survival and was linked to increased morbidity
Bostanci E, 2004, Turkey (13) Retrospective cohort, not randomized, single center (n = 134) D2 vs D3 D2 Morb: 10% D3 Morb: 35% Morbidity SSD2 Mort: 1% D3 Mort :8% Mortality SS D3 can be performed with acceptable safety and might be an option for fit patients with potentially curable advanced disease
Kunisaki C, 2006, Japan (14) Retrospective comparison, not randomized, multicenter (n = 580) T4 tumors (beyond sub-serosa)D2 vs D3 Morbidity NS (except bleeding, pulmonary and renal complications)Mortality NS No difference in OS and DSS. D3 might be advantageous in pts with pN2 and tumors sized 50–100 mm, in terms of DSS and recurrence
Hu J, 2009, China (15) Retrospective comparison, not randomized, single center (n = 117) D2 vs D2 + PALN D2 Morb:24,2% D2 + Morb:27,3% Morbidity NS D2 mort: 0% D2 + mort 1,8% Mortality NS Survival (5y): 65,8% vs 66,1% NS D2 + PALN is a safe procedure in experienced hands but offers no survival advantage and cannot be implemented in current recommendations
De Manjoni G, 2011 and 2015, Italy (16, 17) GIRGC retrospective database analysis, observational, multicenter (n = 568) D2 vs D3 Extend of lymphadenectomy had no impact in relapse. Pts with T3-4, with mixed/diffuse histology and upper third location might benefit from D3 dissection
Tsuburaya A, 2014, Japan (18) JCOG observational, multicenter (n = 53) “bulky” pN2 and or PAN + in imagingS1 + cisplatin (4 weeks) followed by D2 + PALN OS (3y): 59% OS (5y): 53%Grade3/4 toxicity: 34.4% For pts with “obvious” nodal involvement, neoadjuvant chemotherapy with S1/cisplatin followed by D2 + PALN is safe and occasionally effective
Kulig J, 2007, Poland (20) PGCSG, pilot, RCT, multicenter, (n = 275) D2 vs D2 + PALN Interim safety analysisMorbidity: 27,7 vs 21,6% NSMortality: 4,9 vs 2,2% NS Risk factors “fueling” complications were excessive blood loss, cardiac disease and splenectomy. No survival data reported
Sasako M, 2008, Japan (21) JCOG, multicenter, RCT (n = 523) T2b, T3, T4 and “not obvious + PALN nodes”D2 vs D2 + PALN OS (5y): 69,2 vs 70,3% NSDFS (5y): 62,6 vs 61,7% NS D2 + PALD compared to D2, offers no overall or recurrence free survival advantage in cT2b-T4, cPALN(−) pts
Yonemura Y, 2008, Japan, Taiwan, Korea (22) EASOG, multicenter, multinational RCT (n = 269) Pts with enlarged PALN at CT excludedD2 vs D3 Mortality: 0,74 vs 3,73% NSOS (5y): 52,6% vs 55% NS D3 compared to D2 lymphadenectomy offers no significant survival advantage
Wang Z, 2010, China (23) Meta-analysis 4RCT, 4nonRCT trials (n = 2021) D2 vs D2 + PALN OS (5y): RR 0.96 vs 1.04 NS Mortality: RR 0.99 vs 2.06 NS D2 + PALD is a safe operation but without any survival benefit compared to D2 dissection
Lustosa S, 2008, Brazil (26)(Asian patients) Meta-analysis 5RCT D1vsD2vsD3 of which 2RCT D1vsD3 (n = 276) D1 vs D3 Morbidity RR 2.35 vs 4.07 SS OS 5(y): RR 0,83 vs 1,38 NS D3 compared to D1 resulted to prolonged hospital stay, significant morbidity and mortality, no impact in 5 year survival
Yang S, 2009, China (27) Meta-analysis 5RCT (n = 1187) D2 vs D3 Morbidity: 24,7 vs 29,6% NS Mortality: 2,3 vs 2,2% NS D3 does not offer any survival benefit and could increase the risk of surgical and non-surgical complications
Chen X, 2010, China (28) Meta-analysis 3RCT (n = 1067) D2 vs D2 + PALD Morbidity p = 0.05 SS Mortality p = 0.95 NS OS 5(y) p = 0.62 NS D2 + PALD is linked with increased morbidity and insignificant survival gain
Mocellin S, 2015, Italy (29)(Asian patients) Meta-analysis 3RCT (n = 862) D2 vs D3 OS 5(y) p = 0.92 NS Mortality p = 0.57 NS No impact of D3 on overall or DFS survival, equally safe with D2 in expert’s hands

Concluding remarks of each study are typed in bold text and listed in the outer-right column.

pts, patients; morb, morbidity; mort, mortality; DFS, disease free survival; DSS, disease specific survival; GIRGC, Group of Italian Research in Gastric Cancer; JCOG, Japanese Clinical Oncology Group; PGCSG, Polish Gastric Cancer Study Group; PALN/D, para-aortic lymph nodes/dissection; OS, overall survival; NS, non-significant; SS, statistically significant; RR, risk ratio.