Table 1. Previous publications (n = 22) using the retrieval-extinction procedure in rodent fear conditioning studies.
An overview of all published (until March 2017) retrieval-extinction studies and whether they reported significantly superior reduction of fear recovery relative to regular extinction. Adult animals were used for all studies, unless indicated otherwise. For studies that used animals in (late) adolescence, the age (postnatal day, p) at the time of extinction is indicated. aStudy by Monfils and co-workers. bRemote fear memories (≥20-day interval between acquisition and retrieval). cSignificant reduction of fear recovery was found in a reversed control group (Ext-Ret). dNo significant reduction of fear recovery in the re-analysis by Kredlow, Unger & Otto (2016). eNo reduction of fear recovery was found for less recent fear memories (7-day interval between acquisition and retrieval). fDuration of the CS was longer during retrieval and extinction than during acquisition. gA trend (p = .073) toward a reduction of spontaneous recovery was observed.
Publication | Fear reduction? | Subjects | Conditioned stimulus | Included in Kredlow et al. 2016? |
Flavell, Barber & Lee 2011 | Yes | Rats | Context | Yes |
Liu et al. 2014 | Yes | Rats | Context | No |
Piñeyro et al. 2013 | Yes | Rats | Context | No |
Rao-Ruiz et al. 2011 | Yes | Mice | Context | Yes |
Costanzi et al. 2011 | Nob | Mice | Context | No |
Gräff et al. 2014 | Nob | Mice | Context | No |
Stafford et al. 2013 | No | Mice | Context | No |
Auchter et al. 2017a | Yes | Rats | Cue | No |
Baker, McNally & Richardson 2013 | Yesc | Rats (p34-37) | Cue | Yesd |
Clem & Huganir 2010 | Yese | Mice | Cue | Yes |
Jones & Monfils 2016a | Yesb | Rats (p45) | Cue | No |
Jones, Ringuet & Monfils 2013a | Yes | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Monfils et al. 2009a | Yes | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Olshavsky et al. 2013a | Yes | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Pattwell et al. 2016 | Yes | Mice | Cue | No |
Chan et al. 2010 | No | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Chan 2014 | No | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Flavell, Barber & Lee 2011 | No | Rats | Cue | Yes |
Gräff et al. 2014 | Nob,f | Mice | Cue | No |
Ishii et al. 2012 | No | Mice | Cue | Yes |
Ishii et al. 2015 | No | Mice | Cue | No |
Ishii et al. 2015 | No | Mice (p28-32) | Cue | No |
MacPherson et al. 2013 | No | Mice | Cue | No |
Pattwell et al. 2016 | No | Mice (p30) | Cue | No |
Ponnusamy et al. 2016 | Noc,g | Rats | Cue | No |
Xu et al. 2013 | Nof | Mice | Cue | No |