Representative thresholded 20× fluorescent images of (A) glomeruli from the NP kidney (10 μg/ml), (B) interstitial microvessels from the NP kidney (50 μg/ml), and (C) glomeruli and interstitial microvessels from the NP kidney (100 μg/ml) with white boxed regions highlighting areas of either specific or nonspecific accumulation within the same field of view or same section (DAPI, blue; CD31-NPs, red; Control-NPs, green; NP overlay, yellow; Ulex, white). The boxed regions are shown at a larger scale in the insets for both (A) and (B). The white dashed lines across the insets in (A) refer to the line scale analysis shown in (D) for nonspecific (region 1) and specific (region 2) accumulation. Scale bars, 50 μm. (D) Line scan plot of highlighted regions of NP glomerular accumulation in (A) showing similar amounts of accumulation in nonspecific regions with many more CD31-NPs relative to Control-NPs in more specific regions. (E) Region quantifications depicting the total relative NPs signal (CD31-NPs/Control-NPs) for the individual highlighted regions in (A) to (C); each bar represents the quantification of the single image shown for the respective panel.