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. 2018 May 2;13(5):e0194642. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194642

Table 4. Predicting health, depression, anxiety and stress with the subjective evaluation of macro-social factors controlling for sociodemographic variables.

Depression Anxiety Stress Health
β se t p (>|t|) β se t p (>|t|) β se t p (>|t|) β se t p (>|t|)
(Intercept) -.03 .04 -0.93 .35 -.06 .04 -1.67 .10 -.14 .04 -3.73 .00 -.01 .03 -0.37 .71
 Spain .09 .05 1.66 .10 .18 .05 3.53 .00 .05 .05 0.96 .34 .17 .05 3.44 .00
 France -.05 .05 -1.06 .29 .18 .05 3.74 .00 .16 .05 3.29 .00 .25 .05 5.52 .00
 Germany -.02 .04 -0.56 .57 -.12 .04 -2.73 .01 .22 .05 4.87 .00 -.01 .04 -0.34 .73
 Poland .06 .05 1.23 .22 -.09 .05 -1.77 .08 .12 .05 2.28 .02 .01 .05 0.19 .85
 Russia -.02 .05 -0.34 .73 .00 .05 -0.08 .94 -.04 .05 -0.80 .42 -.37 .05 -7.98 .00
 Sweden -.07 .05 -1.64 .10 -.13 .05 -2.83 .00 -.12 .05 -2.67 .01 .03 .04 0.66 .51
 United Kingdom -.07 .05 -1.56 .12 -.19 .05 -4.07 .00 .03 .05 0.71 .48 .26 .05 5.67 .00
Sociodemographic variables
 Gender .06 .02 2.47 .01 .13 .02 5.58 .00 .14 .02 6.03 .00 -.04 .02 -2.05 .04
 Age .05 .01 4.17 .00 .02 .01 1.79 .07 -.08 .01 -6.60 .00 -.30 .01 -26.63 .00
 Education -.09 .01 -7.82 .00 -.11 .01 -9.45 .00 -.01 .01 -0.86 .39 .09 .01 8.01 .00
Macro-social factors
 Wealth .00 .02 0.28 .78 .01 .02 0.51 .61 .00 .02 0.10 .92 -.01 .02 -0.50 .62
 Justice .02 .02 0.98 .33 .01 .02 0.73 .47 -.01 .02 -0.35 .73 .00 .02 0.22 .83
 Freedom .03 .02 1.82 .07 .01 .02 0.76 .45 .02 .02 1.19 .23 .00 .02 -0.04 .97
 Wealth -.14 .02 -9.10 .00 -.08 .01 -5.61 .00 -.09 .02 -6.04 .00 .16 .01 10.81 .00
 Justice -.12 .02 -7.15 .00 -.12 .02 -7.34 .00 -.09 .02 -5.58 .00 .09 .02 6.00 .00
 Freedom -.10 .02 -5.79 .00 -.06 .02 -3.47 .00 -.09 .02 -5.27 .00 .11 .02 6.54 .00
Adjusted R2 .08 .08 .08 .19