Fig. 7.
Duct lumen elongation requires RAB-11. a Confocal Z-projections of L1 larvae-expressing apical domain marker RDY-2::GFP. d, duct; c, canal. dyn-1(ky51ts) and chc-1(b1025ts) mutants resemble wild-type (see Fig. 2b). In rab-5(ok2605) mutants, the apical signal is disorganized and widened. In rab-11(tm2063) mutants, the apical domain is shorter and compared to wild-type. b, c Measurements of duct length and apical domain width, respectively. **** = p-value < 0.0001. Mann–Whitney test. Scale bar = 5 μm. Error bars = ± SD. d Transcytosis model, showing endocytic scission events mediated by AFF-1