Figure 3. Interaction of the CrIFT38 CH domain with a conserved surface patch on CrIFT80 BP1.
(A) Mapping of evolutionarily conserved surface-residues onto the CrIFT80 crystal structure. Two orientations (related to each other by a 180° rotation) are shown. The schematic drawing below the structure indicates the relative positions of individual domains. In the orientation on the left, several highly conserved residues (forming a pronounced patch) are shown at the top of CrIFT80 BP1. (B) GST-pulldown assays showing that the CrIFT80 BP1 domain is sufficient for interaction with CrIFT38CH. (C) The CrIFT80(BP1)/CrIFT38CH complex can be reconstituted by SEC. After mixing CrIFT80(BP1) with a slight excess of CrIFT38CH, a peak for the stable complex is obtained (left), and SDS-PAGE analysis shows that the complex contains stoichiometric levels of the two proteins (right). (D) Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) analysis of the interaction of CrIFT38CH with CrIFT80(BP1-BP2). The two proteins form a complex with a dissociation constant of 225 nM.