Fig. 2.
Phylotype abundance between first and second laid eggs, in comparison to maternal and environmental communities. a Differential abundance of 111 phylotypes between first and second eggs and abundance of each phylotype in maternal and nest environmental communities (grey scale). First and second eggs of the laying sequence are exposed to nest environmental conditions 24–36 h, and <12 h prior to collection, respectively. Mean (circles) and whiskers (95% CI) denote log2-fold change of phylotype abundance between first and second eggs, coloured by bacterial Phylum. b A subset of phylotypes (n = 58) was designated as significant indicator species (FDR q < 0.1) for one or more community types that potentially contribute to eggshell microbiota assembly. Relative abundances in a are calculated on sources only (ie, excluding eggshells). In b, the average indicator value (colour intensity) and relative abundance (bubble size) were calculated using the cumulative abundance across all communities (ie, including eggshell communities) as the denominator. Phylum-coloured connectors link phylotype IDs in a to each indicator taxon in b, which are labelled by the lowest taxonomic information available