(A) Diagram of lentiviral vector design. Luciferase or IκBαM gene is co-expressed with Mycl1 by 2A ribosomal skipping mechanism. (B) Kaplan-Meier curve showing mice survival. Median survival time of the two groups was 328 days (luci, n=17), and 288 days (IκBαM, n=12) respectively, p=0.0029. (C) Histopathological analysis of IκBαM tumors showed no difference compared to control tumors in Fig. 1. (D) Heatmap of the expression values of 146 NF-κB target genes (left) and 245 CREB target genes (right) in normal lung, luci tumor and IκBαM tumor. (E) EMSA showing SCLC tumors had lower NF-κB and higher CREB binding activity than lung adenocarcinomas (ADC). (F) GSEA analysis of gene sets enriched in IκBαM tumor vs. control luci tumors. (G) Human SCLC and lung adenocarcinoma samples were stained for Ki67, p65 and phos-CREB (left). Total 10 SCLC and 10 adenocarcinoma samples were analysed and the results were summarized in Supplementary Table S1. Mouse SCLC and lung adenocarcinoma (KrasG12D-shp53) samples were stained for phos-CREB (right). Insets were in higher magnification showing nuclear staining. Scale bars, 100 μm.