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. 2018 May 2;3(3):e00176-18. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00176-18


Demographic characteristics, condition, contraception use, and sexual behavior for 91 womena

Variableb Value of variable for:
P valuec
Amerindians in the following urbanization group:
Low Medium High Amerindians from urbanization groups Amerindians high vs mestizos
No. of subjects 22 22 23 24 1.000 (a) 1.000 (a)
Age (yr), mean [range] 31.1 [12–46] 31.3 [18–42] 29.2 [18–44] 26.7 [17–53] 0.930 (b) 0.320 (b)
Educational level (%) (n/N) [95% CI]
    No studies 68.2 (15/22) [45.1–85] 13.6 (3/22) [3.6–34] 4.3 (1/23) [0.3–24] 4.1 (1/24) [0.2–23] 1 × 10−6* (a) 1.000 (a)
    Finished elementary school only 31.8 (7/22) [15–54] 50.0 (11/22) [31–69] 17.3 (4/23) [5.7–40] 16.7 (4/24) [5.5–38] 0.080 (a) 1.000 (a)
    Finished high school 0.0 (0/22) [0–18.4] 36.4 (8/22) [18–59] 78.3 (18/23) [56–92] 83.3 (20/24) [62–95] 3 × 10−8* (a) 0.730 (a)
Currently using hormonal contraceptived (%) (n/N) [95% CI] 4.5 (1/22) [0.2–25] 0.0 (0/22) [0.0–19] 4.3 (1/23) [0.2–24] 29.2 (7/24) [13–51] 0.600 (a) 0.060 (a)
Parity, mean no. [range] 5.1 [0–11] 4.6 [0–13] 2.0 [1.0–6] 1.8 [0–8] 0.003* (b) 0.730 (b)
Currently breastfeeding (%) (n/N) [95% CI] 72.7 (16/22) [49–88] 50 (11/22) [31–69] 39.1 (9/23) [20–61] 70.8 (17/24) [49–87] 0.071 (b) 0.059 (b)
Median no. of sexual partners in sexual history [range] 2.0 [1–4] 2.5 [1–6] 2.0 [1–15] 2.0 [1–25] 0.850 (c) 0.210 (c)
No. of sexual partners in last 60 days (%) (n/N) [95% CI]
    None 22.7 (5/22) [8.7–46] 27.3 (6/22) [12–50] 30.4 (7/23) [14–53] 16.7 (4/24) [5.5–38] 0.840 (a) 0.490 (a)
    1 77.2 (17/22) [54–91] 72.7 (16/22) [50–88] 69.6 (16/23) [47–86] 79.2 (19/24) [58–92]
Weekly sexual intercourse frequency (%) (n/N) [95% CI]
    ≤1 times 91.0 (20/22) [69–98] 72.7 (16/22) [50–88] 69.6 (16/23) [47–86] 41.7 (10/24) [23–63] 0.180 (a) 0.100 (a)
    ≥2 times 9.1 (2/22) [16–31] 27.3 (6/22) [12–50] 30.4 (7/23) [14–53] 58.3 (14/24) [37–77]
Sexual contact with mestizo (%) (n/N) [95% CI] 0.0 (0/22) [0.0–19] 22.7 (5/22) [8.6–46] 34.8 (8/23) [17–57] 100 (24/24) [83–100] 0.012 (a) 7 × 10−6* (a)
Currently smokinge (%) (n/N) [95% CI] 0.0 (0/22) [0.0–19] 4.5 (1/22) [0.0–25] 8.6 (2/23) [1.5–30] 16.7 (4/24) [5.5–38] 0.768 (a) 0.484 (a)

Demographic characteristics, contraception use, sexual behavior, and other characteristics (variables) are compared for Amerindians in the three subject-based urbanization groups (low, medium, and high) and for urban mestizos.


n/N is the number of women with that characteristic/total number of women in that group. The values for 95% confidence interval (95% CI) are shown in brackets.


The P values comparing the values for Amerindians in the high urbanization group compared to the values for mestizos are shown in the rightmost column. The tests used are shown in parentheses after the P value as follows: (a), χ2 test or Fisher's exact test; (b), t test and ANOVA for two groups or more than two groups; (c), Kruskal-Wallis test. An asterisk indicates that significant differences were reached (P < 0.05) after Holm correction for multiple comparisons.


For nonhormonal contraceptive use, the values were as follows: for Amerindians, zero cases for the low urbanization group, one sterilization for the medium urbanization group, and two sterilizations and one condom use case for the high urbanization group; for mestizos, three condom use cases.


Smoking frequency from 1 to 10 cigarettes daily during 1 or more years.