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. 2018 May 2;3(3):e00571-17. doi: 10.1128/mSphere.00571-17

FIG 1 .

FIG 1 

Maximum likelihood phylogeny of USA500 and other CC8 strains. The COL reference genome (68) was an outgroup. The major clades are color coded: F, green; E1, gray; D, purple; C1, dark blue; C2, blue; BA, brick red. The reference genome was strain 2395 in the C1 clade. The likelihood score for the tree was −3,374,456. (a) Circular view with locations of representative strains from each clade indicated in the text. Small black squares on the tree indicate branches supported by fewer than 90% bootstrap replicates. Outer ring 1 shows the results of inferred PFGE typing by PCR. Black indicates Iberian, gray indicates USA500, and white indicates other result or not done. The second ring is colored by U.S. state of origin: red, California; purple, Colorado; dark blue, Connecticut; light blue, Georgia; dark purple, Maryland; orange, Minnesota; yellow, New York; magenta, Oregon; green, Tennessee. The third ring (red squares) shows presence of an SaPI3/5-like site-specific integrase gene. The fourth ring (green squares) shows the presence of at least one copy of IS256 in the genome. Only results from strains sequenced in this study are shown on the outer rings. The figure was created by iTOL (64). The tree with full metadata is publicly available at Panel b is the same tree as panel a but with all multistrain clades collapsed. The internal node that is the common ancestor of all USA500/USA300 isolates is marked with an asterisk. The percentage of bootstrap support is shown for each of the branches. This tree is publicly available at