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. 2018 May 2;17:186. doi: 10.1186/s12936-018-2334-1

Fig. 2.

Fig. 2

Timeline of events for two clusters of Plasmodium knowlesi cases in Sabang. For all cases case investigations and reactive case detection were performed; followed by IRS and LLIN distribution to index case’s house. On 27–29 December 2014, IRS and mass LLIN distribution was done for all residents of Iboih village. Yellow box: passive case detection; green box: reactive case detection; blue box: mass screening and treatment; white box: response of Municipal Health Office. Bold letters: initial of patient. Hashtag number in bracket: case ID number. Dotted red rectangle: a cluster at Iboih Village. Dotted purple rectangle: a family cluster at Ie Meulee Village. Dx: diagnosis, PHC: Primary Health, CI: case investigation, RACD: reactive case detection, MST: mass screening and treatment, LLINs: Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets, IRS: indoor residual spraying