Table 3.
Transport mode (n = 254) and public transport barriers of reaching a GP’s practice (n = 91)
Transport modea | % (n) |
By foot | 18.3 (75) |
Bicycle | 9.5 (39) |
Motorbike | 2.0 (8) |
Car (self-driving) | 46.9 (192) |
Car (family) | 13.4 (55) |
Car (friend) | 1.5 (6) |
Car (neighbor) | 1.5 (6) |
Taxi | 2.2 (9) |
Public transport | 4.6 (19) |
Public transport barriersa | % (n) |
Barrier-free access | 38.8% (57) |
Coordination of appointment and schedules | 30.6% (45) |
Local connection of practice and bus/train stop | 29.3% (43) |
Information on schedules | 1.4% (2) |
aMultiple answers possible