Fig. 6.
Vessel relaxation by GTN and DEA/NO in rat aortas. (A) Average time course of the effects of GTN (n = 4) and DEA/NO (n = 3) on the contractile force of endothelium-denuded rat aortas (0.1 and 1 μM as indicated). Individual traces are presented in Supplemental Fig. S8. (B) Effect of 1 mM chloral hydrate on the relaxation by 0.1 μM (red) and 1 μM (blue) GTN (n = 4). Chloral hydrate (Chl.Hydr.) was added after 200 seconds, as indicated by the green arrows. For comparison, the corresponding time courses in the absence of chloral hydrate from (A) were redrawn. See Materials and Methods for further details.