(A) Immunohistochemical staining of ZRANB1 and EZH2 in representative breast tumor specimens. Scale bar, 50 μm.
(B) Correlation between ZRANB1 and EZH2 protein levels in human breast tumors. The p value was calculated from a chi-square test. R is the Spearman correlation coefficient.
(C) ZRANB1 protein scores (x axis) in primary breast tumors positively correlate with EZH2 protein scores (y axis) in individual patients. The p value was calculated from a linear regression analysis. R is the correlation coefficient. Protein score = the percentage of immunopositive cells × immunostaining intensity.
(D) Kaplan-Meier curves of overall survival of breast cancer patients (n = 138 patients), stratified by ZRANB1 protein levels. Protein score = the percentage of immunopositive cells × immunostaining intensity. High or low protein expression was defined using the mean score of all samples as a cutoff point. The p value was calculated from a log rank test. HR, hazard ratio.
See also Figure S7.