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. 2015 Jun 4;41(6):132–145. doi: 10.14745/ccdr.v41i06a03
Data description Data type Provinces supplying data
Age Continuous All
Sex Male/Female All
Case classification Confirmed/Probable AB, SK, MB, ON, PEI, NS, NL
Episode date Day, Month, Year All
Type of episode date1 Category: Onset/Sample collection/Diagnosis/Report MB, ON, NB, NS, PEI5
Travel outside Canada Yes/No AB, SK, MB, ON, NB, PEI, NS, NL
Exposure to known endemic area in Canada within last 30 days1 Yes/No MB, ON, NB, NS
Name/identifier of endemic area in Canada1 Geolocator
Exposure to known endemic area outside Canada within last 30 days1 Yes/No MB, ON, NB, NS
Name/identifier of endemic area outside Canada1 Geolocator MB, ON, NB, NS
Forward sortation area of residence (FSA: the first three digits of postal code)1,2 Geolocator MB, ON, NB, NS
Symptoms of early Lyme disease (erythema migrans)1 Yes/No MB, ON, NB, NS
Symptoms of disseminated Lyme disease1 Yes/No MB, ON, NB, NS
Symptoms of disseminated Lyme disease: Bell’s palsy1 Yes/No ON, NB, NS1
Symptoms of disseminated Lyme disease: other neurological symptoms1,3 Yes/No ON, NB, NS1
Symptoms of disseminated Lyme disease: cardiac symptoms1,4 Yes/No ON, NB, NS1
Symptoms of late Lyme disease: Recurrent arthritis/joint swelling1 Yes/No ON, NB, NS1
Method of diagnosis1 Category: Serology/PCR/Culture MB, ON, NB, NS*

1 Data collected in the Lyme Disease Enhanced Surveillance system are indicated by an asterisk, otherwise data were collected via the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System.

2 Forward Sortation Area of residence was considered the location of acquisition in the absence of recorded travel or exposure history to a known Lyme disease risk area in Canada or abroad.

3 Radiculoneuropathy, encephalitis, lymphocytic meningitis, and encephalomyelitis.

4 Atrioventricular heart block and myocarditis

5 PEI provided Lyme Disease Enhanced Surveillance data elements for 2012 in August 2014; therefore this information was not included in this analysis. Abbreviations: AB: Alberta, SK: Saskatchewan, MB: Manitoba, ON: Ontario, NB: New Brunswick, NS: Nova Scotia, PEI: Prince Edward Island, NL: Newfoundland and Labrador

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure