Figure 6. Bqt4-rich domains ensure faithful inheritance of heterochromatin.
(A) Schematic of system designed to move replication forks to the NE. Coexpression of Polα-GFP and Man1-GBP recruits Polα-associated (replicating) chromatin to Man1-rich subdomains of the NE. Images below schematic show remobilization of Pol α-GFP to colocalize with Man1-GBP-mCherry encircling the nucleus. (B) In cells lacking Man1-GBP, Polα-GFP shows diffuse localization within the nuclear interior. (C) ChIP-seq experiments were performed as described in text and Methods, using H3K9Me2 antibody (ab1220, Abcam). (D) Ribbon line-plot of enrichment of H3K9Me over the ade6+ locus in three independent WT isolates. The solid blue line indicates median; width of the ribbon indicates range of enrichment levels among the three isolates. (E–F) Ribbon line-plot of enrichment of H3K9Me2 at centromere of Chr III. The central core region is indicated by the yellow box. The sharp peaks flanking the core region (F) align to small repetitive regions (~25 bp) present in multiple regions across the genome; it is therefore not possible to determine their source.