Changes in serum metabolites before and 120 min after oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). (a–d) Orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis scores plots of data of (a) D‐glucose (Glc)/OGTT in glycosuria‐negative/normal glucose tolerance (GU
−/NGT; R
2Y = 0.610, Q
2 = 0.354), (b) Glc/OGTT in impaired glucose tolerance (IGT; R
2Y = 0.721, Q
2 = 0.405) and (c) partial hydrolysate of starch (PHS)/OGTT in GU
−/NGT (R
2Y = 0.509, Q
2 = 0.098). (d) PHS/OGTT in IGT (R
2Y = 0.909, Q
2 = 0.370). (e–h) Changes in serum methylcysteine and sedoheptulose 1,7‐bisphosphate (SBP) levels before and 120 min after OGTT. (e,f) Changes in serum methylcysteine at 0 (open columns) and 120 min (filled columns) during (e) Glc/OGTT and (f) PHS/OGTT. *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001. NS, not significant by two‐tailed paired t‐test. (g,h) Changes in serum SBP at 0 (open columns) and 120 min (filled columns) during (g) Glc/OGTT and (h) PHS/OGTT. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01 by two‐way repeated‐measurement anova with the Bonferroni post‐hoc test. (e–h) n = 11 for all groups. A.U., arbitrary unit.