SDS-PAGE on crude protein extracts of transgenic
P. acutifolius and Arabidopsis seeds. Proteins were
visualized with Coomassie Blue staining. A, P.
acutifolius seed proteins extracted from nontransgenic
(wild-type) NI576 (lane WT) plants, transgenic plants containing
arc5-I (lanes A1 and A2), and transgenic plants
containing arc5-II (lanes B1 and B2). Lane ARC5 contains
arcelin-5 proteins purified from the P. vulgaris
genotype G02771 (from top to bottom, Arc5a, Arc5b, and Arc5c,
respectively), and lane M contains the marker proteins. The molecular
masses are indicated on the left in kD. B, Crude protein extracts of
Arabidopsis seeds of the nontransformed Columbia-0 genotype (lane 1)
and of transgenic lines BM-410 (lane 2) or E-103 (lane 3). Lane 4
contains arcelin-5 proteins purified from the P.
vulgaris genotype G02771, and lane M contains the marker
proteins. The molecular masses are indicated on the left in