Figure 6.
Differential effects of Sin3a knockdown on the expression of seven chemokine genes. Mef cells were transfected with pooled shRNAs directed against SIN3A (shSin3a) or with empty pLKO.1 (vector). After 48 h of selection in puromycin, cells were treated with IL-1 for the indicated times or were left untreated. (A) Expression of SIN3A was analyzed in total cell extracts by immunoblotting. Anti tubulin antibodies were used to confirm equal loading. (B) Total RNA was isolated and mRNA expression of the indicated chemokine genes and of Ube2l3 was determined by conventional RT-qPCR. Expression values were normalized for expression of Ube2l3. The graph show relative expression values ± SEM. from at least two independent experiments.