Figure 2.
Glycan shield masking E2 neutralizing epitopes. The model of E2 structure is composed by the E2 core structure (PDB ID: 4MWF) (20) and its N-terminal antigenic region 412–423 (PDB ID: 4DGY) (23). The E2 structural model has been built in a similar way than in Fuerst et al. (24). The hypervariable region 1 located at the N-terminus of E2 is not shown. The E2 molecular surface is displayed in gray and its neutralizing epitopes are highlighted in green. High mannose N-glycans (Man9GlcNac2) have been modeled at the 10 N-glycosylation sites available in the E2 structural model using the Glycoprotein Builder tool of the GLYCAM-webserver (, with an energy minimization step. The glycans (N1, N2, N3, N4, N6, N7, N8, N9, N10, and N11) are shown in sticks representation (in gold) with their transparent molecular surface. The figure was generated with PyMOL (The PyMOL Molecular Graphics System, Version 1.83 Schrödinger, LLC).