Figure 1.
(A) Schematic experimental arrangement. A DNA fragment that contains a Z-DNA forming core sequence ((GC)11 or (TG)11) is ligated to a biotinylated linker DNA, which is attached to NeutrAvidin (yellow), which is in turn bound on a biotinylated PEG substrate. Biotins are shown as small red circles. A donor (Cy3) and an acceptor dye (Cy5) is 14 bp apart within the core fragment. In the presence of hZαADAR1, the core sequence undergoes the protein-induced transition from B-form (black) to Z-form (blue). Both ends of the core sequence are bounded by B-form DNA (brown). Here, the core is linked to the surface via a ∼500 bp PCR fragment. (B) In the presence of ZBP such as hZαADAR1, the core sequence (gray box) undergoes the B–Z transition, which is detected via smFRET measurements. Different states of DNA (B, B* and Z) are identified via different levels of FRET, which are pictorially and schematically illustrated here by different relative sizes of dye symbols.