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. 2018 Mar 1;9(14):3494–3502. doi: 10.1039/c7sc05448c

Table 1. Photophysical properties of pA (this work) and previously reported FBAs a .

Name One-photon excitation
Two-photon excitation b
λ Abs (nm) λ Em (nm) Φ F c (%) Brightness, εΦF (M–1 cm–1)
λ Ex (nm) σ 2 c (GM) Φ F σ 2 (GM) d
Monomer dsDNA e
pA 387 420 66 10 100 1400 780 6.6 5.3
qAN1 (ref. 11) 354 430 18 1700 510 740 f 0.82 f 0.15 f
6-MI25,28 350 431 70 8400 g 1700 700 2.5 39 1.8
6MAP22,26 330 430 39 3300 150 659 3.4 25 1.3
2-AP16,17 303 370 68 4080 50 584 0.2 23 0.14
8-vdA40 290 382 65 8200 200 n.d. n.d. n.d.
tC13,14 377 513 13 520 760 800 1.5 h 23 0.32
tCO15 360 465 30 2700 2000 n.d. n.d. n.d.
FDT18 316 434 3 330 n.d. 690 2.1 27 0.063
DMAC41 365 526 3 80 150 n.d. n.d. n.d.
thG9,42 321 453 46 1900 310 n.d. n.d. n.d.
thU9,43 304 409 41 1300 90 i 690 0.17 27 0.070
TPAU44 332 455 20 2200 n.d. 690 3.8 27 0.76
ADQ45 316 363 4 470 n.d. 690 1.8 27 0.070

aFor structures and names see Chart S1.

bTwo-photon excitation determined for FBA monomers.

cQuantum yield determined in various buffered water solutions at either pH 7.0 or pH 7.5 (top 8 entries) or deionized water (bottom 6 entries).

dGoeppert-Mayer units, 1 GM = 10–50 cm4 s per photon.

eAverage over various DNA sequence surroundings. However, in some cases only one sequence was reported.

fValues from ongoing studies (manuscript in preparation).

gThe molar absorptivity has not been reported, but is estimated to 12 000 M–1 cm–1.46

hMeasured in the sequence 5′-AATCTCACAGC(tC)TGATCACATTGCTA-3′.

iQuantum yield based on thdT dsDNA (2.7%) in the sequence 5′-GCGCGA(thdT)A(thdT)A(thdT)AGGAGC-3′.41