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. 2018 Mar 1;2:7. doi: 10.1186/s41687-018-0033-x

Table 3.

Cognitive Interview Guide

Parent-Reported Oral Physical Health
Oral-Facial Appearance My child’s teeth are:
Please check all that apply
Bright white
Some yellow
Some green
Some brown
Some black
How did you decide upon the color of your child’s teeth?
My child’s teeth are: Straight with no spaces
Straight but with spaces
Crooked or Crowded
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
When I look at my child’s teeth: I am happy about how they look
I feel they could look better
I am unhappy with the way they look
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Bad breath for my child is: Always a problem
Sometimes a problem
Never a problem
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Oral Pain Over the past year, did your child have pain in the teeth or mouth? YES/NO.
If YES, how often? S/he had it once or twice over the school year
S/he has it often during the year
Sh/e has it every day or almost every day over the school year
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Where was the pain?
Please check all that apply
How did you decide upon your answer?
Parent-Reported Oral Mental Health
Dental Phobia Did your child ever refuse to go to a dentist because s/he was afraid of:
Please check all that apply
Getting needles
Having your teeth pulled
Having to keep your mouth opened for a long time
Gagging or choking
Feeling numb
Feeling sick
My dentist
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Dental Anxiety Did your child ever worry about problems with his/her teeth? YES/NO
If YES, What did s/he worry about?
Please check all that apply.
Teeth are going to give him or her pain
Decayed or rotten teeth
Teeth that don’t look good
Teeth that are going to fall out
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Have you avoided taking your child to the dentist because of your own concerns? YES/NO
If YES, What were they? Use of needles by the dentist
Drilling by the dentist
Having the child’s teeth pulled
Having the child keep his or her mouth opened for a long time
Gagging or choking by the child
The child feeling numb
The child getting sick from the treatment
I didn’t like the dentist
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Oral Health Beliefs and Behaviors
Developmental Outcomes Good oral health is important to my child’s overall health? Disagree
Agree somewhat
Strongly Agree
Good oral health is important for my child’s overall happiness? Disagree
Agree somewhat
Strongly Agree
Longevity If I don’t help my child care for his/her teeth, his/her life will be: Shorter by many years
Shorter by a few years
About the same
Life Chances If my child maintains good oral health, s/he will have a better chance of getting into college and having a successful career. Disagree
Agree Somewhat
Agree Strongly
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Efficacy By reminding my child to brush his/her teeth, it will help: Improve his/her oral health
Maintain his/her oral health
Won’t make any difference to his/her oral health
When my child had a recent oral health problem: I was able to take care of it myself
I could not take care of it, and let it go at that
I could not take care of it, and sought dental care
My child did not have a recent oral health problem
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
I am able to make a difference to my child’s oral health Disagree
Agree Somewhat
Agree Strongly
I can do many things to prevent oral health problems in my child. Disagree
Agree Somewhat
Agree Strongly
What can you do?
Before my child goes to sleep, I remind him/her to brush: Always
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
General Well-Being Thinking about the last week…
Has your child been in a good mood? Never
Quite Often
Very Often
Has life been enjoyable? Not at all
Has your child had enough time for him/herself? Never
Quite Often
Very Often
Has your child had fun with your friends? Never
Quite Often
Very Often
Parent-Reported Oral Social Health
Social Relationships If my child’s teeth and mouth are unhealthy, his/her friends: Will still hang out with him/her
Will probably avoid him/her
Will definitely avoid him/her
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Social Influences
Social Comparison - Peers Compared to other kids my child’s age: S/he has better oral health
S/he has the same oral health
S/he has worse oral health
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
Social Network Influences In addition to me, the most important influences on my child’s oral health are: Friends
Brothers and sisters
Other family members
Medical Providers
What were you thinking about when you selected your answer?
The most important social influence my child’s oral health is: Role models on TV and movies
Advertising and media messages
Health education in school