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. 2018 May 1;9:1–10. doi: 10.2147/POR.S156521

Table 1.

Characteristics of observed AF patient samples

Characteristics All observed AF-patients Unmatched
Cohort 1 (NOAC) Cohort 2 (VKA) Cohort 1 versus 2 (p-value) Cohort 1 (NOAC) Cohort 2 (VKA) Cohort 1 versus 2 (p-value)
N 483,149 51,155 128,274 37,439 37,439
Mean follow-up time since index date (SD); median 341.2 days (245.29); 290 393.1 days (311.30); 239 p<0.001 348.5 days (247.57); 299 365.5 days (290.74); 197 p>0.100
Mean age in years (SD) 76.24 (13.33) 78.21 (8.56) 76.61 (8.34) p<0.001 78.21 (7.40) 78.16 (7.37) p>0.100
Gender; Female N (%) 253,750 (52.52) 26,519 (51.84) 66,112 (51.54) p>0.100 19,659 (52.51) 19,622 (52.41) p>0.100
Mean CCI without age factor (SD) 3.56 (2.79) 5.09 (2.74) 4.45 (2.46) p<0.001 4.78 (2.60) 4.80 (2.55) P<0.500
Mean CHA2DS2 VASc score (SD) 2.47 (1.54) 3.09 (1.09) 2.88 (1.00) p<0.001 2.96 (1.04) 2.95 (1.03) p>0.100
Prescribed DDDs of study medicationa NA 1.21 (1.97) 0.81 (1.67) 1.19 (1.87) 0.82 (1.80)
Prescribed DDDs of Heparins or Clopidogrelb NA 3.27 (21.20) 3.32 (13.12) p<0.001 3.16 (22.22) 3.67 (16.66) p<0.001

Notes: The table lists sociodemographic characteristics for the different observed AF patient samples. These data refer to patient-specific index dates for age/gender and to the 12-month baseline period before index date. The date of the first prescription of a NOAC/VKA agent in the inclusion period was used as the index date.


(NOAC/VKA) per observed patient day during follow-up period;


Per observed patient month. CHA2DSs Vasc (congestive heart failure, hypertension, age, diabetes, previous stroke/transient ischemic attack, and Vascular disease). “–” indicates not calculated.

Abbreviations: CCI, Charlson comorbidity index; DDD, defined daily dosage; NA, not applicable; NOAC, non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants; PS, propensity score; VKA, vitamin-K-antagonist.