As discussed in the text, Lcn6 is the predicted functional orthologue of mouse Lcn5. A, Primary human myotubes were treated overnight with PBS (Veh) or LCN6 (1μg/mL) and gene expression was evaluated using qPCR. n = 6 B–C, Primary human myotubes were treated for 30hrs with veh or LCN6 (1ug/mL) then subjected to Seahorse bioanalyzer system, where significantly enhanced basal (B) and maximal (C) respiratory capacity was observed. n = 4 per group. All data presented as mean ± SEM *p<0.05. D, Ssec scores for both mouse LCN5 (red) and human LCN6 in HMDP and STARNET, respectively. E, Gene expression from gastrocnemius in mice 8 hours after injection of PBS (veh) or 0.1ug/gram body weight recombinant human LCN6. N = 6. F, Spearman’s rho correlation between Ssec of all mouse and human orthologous peptides (y-axis) as a measure of Ssec score percentile within each dataset (x-axis) originating from liver. Note the sharp increase in rho at the tail end of the percentile distribution. G, The top 1% of the HMDP genes from were correlated against their Ssec in STARNET from liver across either visceral (VAF, black squares) or subcutaneous (SF, open circles) fat, with NOTUM highlighted in red.