(A) KIB1C-YFP transgenic Arabidopsis
grown under the light for 5 weeks shows stem bending.
(B) KIB1C-YFP transgenic Arabidopsis
shows constitutive BR-response phenotypes. Left panel: seven-day-old seedlings
of WT and KIB1C-YFP grown in the dark on the medium with or
without 2 µM PPZ. Scale bar is 10 mm; right panel: the quantitation of
hypocotyl lengths in the indicated genotypes. The data are shown as means
± SD, n=15.
(C) Immunoblot analyses of BZR1, BIN2 and phospho-GSK3 using the
anti-BZR1, anti-BIN2, anti-pTyr279/Tyr216 (pTyr) or anti-Tubulin antibody from
ten-day-old seedlings of WT and KIB1C-YFP grown on the medium
containing 2 µM PPZ (−) or 100 nM BL (+). Nonspecific bands (NS)
and Tubulin protein level show the equal loadings. The numbers inside the images
indicate the relative ratios of the signal intensity between BIN2 or pTyr and
tubulin bands. The ratio of WT was set to 1.
(D) In vitro pull down assay shows KIB1 blocks BIN2
binding to BZR1. The mixtures of the indicated proteins BZR1-HA, KIB1-HA or
YFP-HA were pulled down by BIN2-GFP-HA immobilized on the GFP-nAb magnetic
agarose beads, and analyzed by immunoblots using an anti-HA antibody. YFP-HA was
used as a negative control.
(E) Co-immunoprecipitation assay shows BR enhances BIN2-KIB1C
interaction. Protein extracts from seven-day-old light-grown
KIBC-YFP seedlings grown on the medium containing 2
µM PPZ treated with 100 nM BL or mock solution for 10 minutes were
immunoprecipitated using an anti-BIN2 antibody, and analyzed by immunoblots
using an anti-GFP antibody.
(F) Inhibiting kinase activity of BIN2 by bikinin causes BIN2
degradation. Wild-type seedlings were grown on the medium containing 2
µM PPZ under the light for 10 days, and then treated with 100 nM BL or
30 µM bikinin for the indicated time. Proteins were immunoblotted using
an anti-BIN2 antibody. Ponceau S staining bands show the protein loadings.
Also see Figure