Top Panel- Plasma levels (fg/mL) of [14C]-BaPeq in volunteer B over 72 hours after dosing with 46 ng (5 nCi) of [14C]-BaP with (squares, broken line) or without (circles, solid line) co-administration of 22.55 g of CTUIR-smoked salmon containing a complex PAH mixture with 46 ng BaPeq using published RPF values. The symbols represent the mean of three separate volunteer dosing trials and the bars the S.E. of the mean. Bottom Panel- Plasma levels (fg/mL) of [14C]-BaPeq in volunteer C over 72 hours after dosing with 46 ng (5 nCi) of [14C]-BaP with (squares) or without (circles) co-administration of 22.7 g of CTUIR-smoked salmon containing a complex PAH mixture with 46 ng BaPeq using published RPF values. Volunteer C only underwent 1 dosing trial (squares, broken line) with co-administration of 22.55 g smoked salmon. For clarity, for volunteer E with salmon, only 1 directional error bars were plotted.