a WPAI hours missed due to RA overtime and b mean change in hours missed due to RA from baseline to week 24. c WPAI- % time in presenteeism over time and d mean change in % time in presenteeism from baseline to week 24. e Overall work impairment over time and f mean change in overall work impairment from baseline to week 24. g Overall activity impairment over time and h mean change in overall activity impairment from baseline to week 24. p values of comparison between dosage groups at week 24 (ANCOVA) in a, c, e and g. **p < 0.001, comparison between scores at baseline and at week 24 (t test) for each MTX dosage group in b, d, f and h. Reprinted from the 2014 ACR/ARHP Annual Meeting held November 14–19, 2014. The American College of Rheumatology does not guarantee, warrant, or endorse any commercial products or services