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. 2018 Mar 31;5(1):99–122. doi: 10.1007/s40744-018-0106-6

Table 1.

Baseline characteristics before and after matching

Before matching After matching
ADA 40 mg (n = 151) Placebo (n = 162) SEC 150 mg (n = 100) SEC 300 mg (n = 100) Placebo (n = 98) Pooled SECa (n = 299) SEC 150 mg (ESS = 36) SEC 300 mg (ESS = 38) Placebo (ESS = 27) Pooled SEC (ESS = 115)
 Age, years, mean (SD) 48.6 (12.5) 49.2 (11.1) 46.5 (11.7) P = 0.1826 46.9 (12.6) P = 0.2940 49.9 (12.5) 47.3 (11.9) P = 0.2826 47.1 (7.0) P = 0.4888 49.5 (10.0) P = 0.6811 49.2 (7.7) 48.6 (8.3) P = 1.000
 Weight, kg, mean (SD) 86.0 (20.6) 85.5 (16.5) 91.2 (19.8) P = 0.0479 85.4 (18.4) P = 0.8140 86.2 (19.8) 87.4 (19.7) P = 0.4837 88.5 (12.7) P = 0.4870 85.1 (12.5) P = 0.7972 85.5 (12.4) 86.0 (13.3) P = 1.000
 Female, n (%) 66 (43.7) 73 (45.1) 45 (45.0) P = 0.8402 49 (49.0) P = 0.4101 59 (60.2) 146 (48.8) P = 0.3041 (38.4)b P = 0.5994 (32.0)b P = 0.4438 (45.1)b (43.7)b P = 1.000
 White, n (%) 147 (97.4) 152 (93.8) 90 (90.0) P = 0.0130 96 (96.0) P = 0.5508 94 (95.9) 276 (92.3) P = 0.0334 (96.2)b P = 0.9657 (98.0)b P = 0.9952 (93.8)b (97.4)b P = 1.000
Disease characteristics
 Psoriasis affecting ≥ 3% BSA, n (%) 70 (46.4) 70 (43.2) 58 (58.0) P = 0.0709 41 (41.0) P = 0.4028 43 (43.9) 149 (49.8) P = 0.4862 (54.0)b P = 0.4882 (44.1)b P = 0.8578 (43.2)b (46.4)b P = 1.000
 PASI score, mean (SD)c 7.4 (6.0) 8.3 (7.2) 16.2 (14.3) P < 0.0001 11.9 (8.4) P = 0.0014 11.5 (8.3) 13.6 (11.6) P < 0.0001 8.2 (3.2) P = 0.6079 6.9 (3.5) P = 0.7496 8.3 (3.2) 7.4 (3.2) P = 1.000
 HAQ-DI score, mean (SD) 1.0 (0.6) 1.0 (0.7) 1.2 (0.6) P = 0.0103 1.3 (0.6) P = 0.0001 1.2 (0.7) 1.2 (0.6) P = 0.0009 1.0 (0.4) P = 1.000 1.0 (0.4) P = 1.000 1.0 (0.4) 1.0 (0.4) P = 1.000
 Presence of dactylitis, n (%) 117 (37.4)d 32 (32.0) P = 0.4084 46 (46.0) P = 0.1592 27 (27.6) 111 (37.1) P = 0.9938 (32.5)b P = 0.6740 (32.7)b P = 0.5272 (37.4)b (37.4)b P = 1.000
 Presence of enthesitis, n (%) 118 (37.7)c 64 (64.0) P < 0.0001 56 (56.0) P = 0.0044 65 (66.3) 188 (62.9) P < 0.0001 (34.9)b P = 0.8553 (47.2)b P = 0.2786 (37.7)b (37.7)b P = 1.000
Previous treatment
 Methotrexate use, n (%) 77 (51.0) 81 (50.0) 46 (46.0) P = 0.4385 45 (45.0) P = 0.3523 52 (53.1) 138 (46.2) P = 0.3318 (57.9)b P = 0.4281 (54.0)b P = 0.6377 (50.0)b (51.0)b P = 1.000
 Anti-TNF-naïve, n (%) 151 (100) 162 (100) 63 (63.0) P < 0.0001 67 (67.0) P < 0.0001 63 (64.3) 195 (65.2) P < 0.0001 36 (100) P = 1.000 38 (100) P = 1.000 27 (100) 115 (100) P = 1.000
Variables not used in the matching
 PsA duration, years, mean (SD) 9.8 (8.3) 9.2 (8.7) 6.5 (8.2) 7.4 (7.5) 7.3 (7.8) 6.8 (7.6) 6.1 (5.8) 6.0 (4.8) 5.3 (3.3) 6.0 (5.1)
 SJC, mean (SD) 14.3 (12.2) 14.3 (11.1) 11.9 (10.1) 11.2 (7.8) 12.1 (10.6) 11.3 (9.0) 10.9 (6.5) 9.6 (4.1) 9.6 (4.4) 10.2 (5.7)
 CRP, mg/dl, mean (SD) 1.4 (2.1) 1.4 (1.7) 1.4 (2.7) 1.1 (1.5) 0.8 (1.3) 1.1 (1.9) 0.7 (0.7) 0.8 (0.8) 0.6 (0.4) 0.7 (0.7)
 TJC (SD) 23.9 (17.3) 25.8 (18.0) 24.1 (19.4) 20.2 (13.3) 23.4 (19.0) 22.1 (16.5) 16.9 (9.9) 16.2 (7.6) 19.3 (11.3) 17.3 (8.5)
 SF-36 PCS, mean (SD) 33.2 (9.9) 33.3 (9.8) 36.1 (8.1) 36.9 (8.0) 37.4 (8.8) 36.4 (8.1) 39.6 (4.9) 39.7 (5.7) 39.8 (4.9) 39.0 (5.1)
 SF-36 MCS, mean (SD) 48.1 (10.2) 46.6 (12.2) 40.6 (11.5) 43.6 (12.1) 44.0 (10.7) 42.7 (11.7) 44.4 (8.5) 46.4 (8.6) 46.3 (5.3) 45.2 (8.1)
PGA, mean (SD) 47.1 (23.2) 48.1 (21.2) 62.0 (19.5) 60.7 (18.9) 57.6 (19.8) 60.6 (19.2) 53.9 (11.9) 56.6 (13.5) 50.0 (11.1) 55.1 (13.0)
 Patient’s assessment of PsA pain, mean (SD) 51.1 (21.4) 48.8 (21.7) 58.9 (19.8) 57.7 (19.0) 55.4 (22.1) 57.8 (19.9) 52.9 (12.1) 55.3 (13.8) 57.4 (11.5) 54.9 (13.2)
 FACIT-Fatigue score, mean (SD) 30.8 (12.1) 30.8 (12.2) 26.6 (11.6) 28.6 (12.6) 29.2 (11.8) 28.0 (11.6) 33.4 (6.8) 33.5 (9.0) 33.6 (6.0) 32.3 (7.6)

All P values were calculated for secukinumab versus adalimumab using t test for continuous variables and Chi-squared test for dichotomous variables

ADA adalimumab, BSA body surface area, CRP C-reactive protein, ESS effective sample size, FACIT Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy, HAQ-DI Health Assessment Questionnaire Disability Index, PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PGA patients’ global assessment, PsA psoriatic arthritis, SD standard deviation, SEC secukinumab, SF-36 MCS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey—Mental Component Summary, SF-36 PCS 36-item Short-Form Health Survey—Physical Component Summary, SJC swollen joint count, TJC tender joint count, TNF tumor necrosis factor

aPooled SEC 75 mg (n = 99), 150 mg (n = 100), and 300 mg (n = 100) matched to ADA arm of ADEPT

bInteger population (n) values are not available due to calculation of pooled SEC ESS using the equation: i=1nωi2i=1nωi2

cPASI data were collected only for patients with psoriasis affecting ≥ 3% BSA

dPercentages of patients with dactylitis and enthesitis are presented for the entire ADEPT study (pooled active treatment and placebo arms)