Figure 1.
Infertility in IP6K1 deleted males was caused by scarce and malformed sperm. (a) None of IP6K1 KO male mice (n = 7) impregnate wild type females. By contrast, IP6K2 KO males (n = 6), IP6K3 KO males (n = 6) and IP6K2/IP6K3 double KO males (n = 6) are able to produce progeny. (b) IP6K1 KO male mice (n = 7) were set to mate with wild type female mice, mating plugs were found in six of 7 wild type female mice. Six pairs of WT male and female mice were set as controls. (c,d) Sperm cells were isolated from epididymides. (c) Bright-field microscopy shows severed sperm tails (arrows) but no motile sperm cells in IP6K1 KOs. Scale bar 50 μm. (d) Immunostaining of acetyl-α-tubulin for sperm tails. Nuclei were stained by DAPI. Severed sperm tails (arrow) and sperm heads coiled by sperm tails (arrowhead) were seen in the IP6K1 mutants. Scale bar 20 μm.