Figure 2.
High-energy phosphate and purine nucleotide metabolism. A and B, muscle adenine nucleotides (A) and phosphagen (B) changes from SL to A16 detected by LC/MS. C, schematic summary of muscle high-energy phosphate and purine nucleotide metabolism. Enzymes that increased relative to CS from SL to A16 (q < 0.05) are in red filled boxes. Enzymes shown in boxes were found to increase (red fill), decrease (blue fill), or not change (gray fill) from SL to A16 relative to CS in the muscle proteome corresponding to data in Table S2b (q < 0.05). Metabolites depicted were found to increase (red font), decrease (blue font), or not change (black font) from SL to A16 (q < 0.05), or were undetected (gray font) by LC/MS. D, changes in muscle nucleosides and purine degradation products from SL to A16. E, evidence of elevated MAS activity and stable NADH (NAD) redox status from SL to A16 (n = 10–14). HPX, hypoxanthine; PNC, purine nucleotide cycle; *, q < 0.05 versus SL in FDR-adjusted paired t tests.