Figure 3.
Hypoxia directs muscle glucose toward biosynthetic pathways. A, serum and muscle glucose and lactate, and muscle glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) changes from SL to A16. B, schematic of muscle glucose metabolism including enzymes that increased (red filled boxes), decreased (blue fill), or were unchanged (gray fill) relative to CS from SL to A16 (q < 0.05) corresponding to data in Table S2b. Blue bordered enzymes decreased relative to total sample peptide from SL to A16 (q < 0.05). Metabolites depicted were found to increase (red font), decrease (blue font), or not change (black font) from SL to A16 (q < 0.05), or were undetected (gray font) by LC/MS. C–H, selected muscle pentose phosphate pathway intermediates (C), the reduced/oxidized GSH ratio (D), pyruvate and lactate (E and F), permeabilized muscle fiber pyruvate + malate OXPHOS capacity (G), and 1 carbon metabolism pathway substrates/products (H) at SL and A16. 3PHP, 3-phospho-hydroxypuruvate; DMG, dimethylglycine; PGL, phosphoglucolactone; SH7P, sedohepulose-7-phosphate; GAP, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate. *, q < 0.05 versus SL in FDR-adjusted paired t tests.